Monday, August 31, 2015

Twenty-second Sunday - The School of Prayer Conclusion

This is the final message in the School of Prayer series. What is required to increase receptivity and be more responsive to God?  Many thanks to Fr. Scott Traynor whose little book "the Parish as a School of Prayer" for the inspiration for this series.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Twenty-first Sunday -The School of Prayer 7/7

The forth and final essential habit in the school of prayer is respond. Like the ancient Hebrews Joshua asks the people who they will serve, how will they respond to all that God has done for them. What will your response be?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Twentieth Sunday - the School of Prayer 6/7

Relating the movements of your heart (which you must Acknowledge) positions you to Receive all that God has to offer. These are the many blessing that we experience through the course of a day. Most importantly, we place ourselves in a position to receive the greatest gift he has to offer: His very self in the Holy Eucharist.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Eighteenth Sunday - School of Prayer 4/7

The School of Prayer has a core curriculum and today we start with the first of four essential habits of prayer: acknowledge.

Sorry for the delay in posting - had troubles with the upload!