Monday, October 26, 2015

Thirtheeth Sunday - Your Call to Discipleship 4

This week we start the service portion of the series Your Call to Discipleship. This week the Gospel offers the healing of Bartimaeus and is welcomed by Jesus. He teaches his disciples to do the same.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Twenty Ninth Sunday - Your Call to Discipleship 3

Welcome Alpha! In this third of the series on Discipleship we introduce Alpha, our new evangelization series open to everyone and anyone, Catholic or not. Find answers to the questions you have about life and God.  The series starts Thursday, October 22nd at 6:30PM with a light meal (you won't have to cook dinner), a short talk (25-30 min.) then small group discussion - very friendly, very informal.

Again, sorry about the lack of images...  Apple has succeeded in preventing me from inserting any "non-iPhone/iPad" created images into iMovie.  As soon as there's a fix the images will be back.

Twenty Eighth Sunday - Your Call to Discipleship 2

Here is LAST weeks message: Your Call to Discipleship part 2 - for the men of the parish. Sorry, but there are no images - blame it on Apple and iMovie (I updated iMovie and there is a bug in the program that does not allow me to insert the many images in my photo album that I use for these homily messages). The studies series Be A Man starts Monday, October 19th following the 7:00 pm Mass at St. John XXIII Parish Center (former St. Jerome Rectory).

Monday, October 5, 2015

Twenty Seventy Sunday - Your Call to Discipleship 1

Starting this Sunday we are starting series of very pratical way to grow as a disciple. This week for the women of the parish we are introducing the Women of Grace series to begin on Sunday, October 18th.